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Let your smile shine with ASV

It is the process of redesigning the smile using personalized digital and technological methods by evaluating the harmony of all factors such as lips, teeth and gums, making certain analyses and taking into account the patient's expectations.

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Let your smile shine with ASV

It is the process of redesigning the smile using personalized digital and technological methods by evaluating the harmony of all factors such as lips, teeth and gums, making certain analyses and taking into account the patient's expectations.

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Let your smile shine with ASV

Dudaklar, dişler, diş eti gibi tüm etkenlerin birbiriyle uyumunun değerlendirilip, belirli analizleri yapılarak ve hastanın beklentileri dikkate alınarak gülüşün kişiye özel dijital ve teknolojik yöntemlerle yeniden tasarlanması işlemidir.

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    Let your smile shine with ASV
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    Let your smile shine with ASV
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    Let your smile shine with ASV

To have a perfectly aesthetic smile, the tooth structure and alignment must be smooth and there should be no overlapping.


In order to evaluate the aesthetics of the area formed by the teeth and gums, the patient's photographs are examined. The facial expressions he makes while talking and laughing in normal life are recorded with a video. All of these are evaluated by the doctor and a plaster model is prepared. A mock-up is prepared on the model with the help of a computer using the previously obtained records.

The treatment plan is clarified with the patient by examining the teeth, gum bone level, clinically and radiologically. If necessary, laser adjustments can be made at the gum levels in order to find the one that suits the person. In order to obtain the aesthetics of the teeth, procedures such as laminate, filling, empress or whitening can be performed. If there is a tooth deficiency, implant application or, if necessary, orthodontic treatment can be used.

In other words, the number of sessions in the smile design process may vary depending on the patient's current condition and the treatment process.


Things to wonder about Smile Design, starting the treatment, what happens during the procedures, how the recovery process is and more...


ASV smile design patients opinions

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